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: 10 Rare Pics from History That Expand Our Understanding of India #IndiaNEWS #History Browse through history and you will come across numerous figures, heroes in their own right, who took the country


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #History

10 Rare Pics from History That Expand Our Understanding of India #IndiaNEWS #History
Browse through history and you will come across numerous figures, heroes in their own right, who took the country to great heights.
Right from the leadership of JRD Tata and the scientific prowess of Homi Bhabha, to the strong women who came forward during crucial moments in India’s freedom struggle, these figures cannot be forgotten.
Take a trip down the bygone eras through these pictures, which are an ode to the India of the past.
1. Homi Bhabha with his counterparts

In the picture, one can see the men who would go on to change the course of history — Homi Bhabha with Albert Einstein (the man behind relativity), Yukawa (the 1st Japanese to win a Nobel Prize), and John Wheeler (who coined the term ‘black hole’).
Bhabha, who was from an influential Parsi family, had his trajectory planned out — to pursue metallurgy and lead the Tata Steel Mills at Jamshedpur. Instead, he went on to study cosmic rays at the iconic Cavendish Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, and computed the interaction between electron and its antimatter (positron). This later came to be named as ‘Bhabha Scatterind?&H[?????????[?ZY????x?&?[????[???[?[??B???[?[?XH?X?YH?Z[???Y?H[? NM?K[??[YHZ[???[?ZY????HX[Y?H[?H?????X]??X?H[?[????][?^[KH??Y???[???X]]???X?X[?[??[??][x?&??[?] ??[??Y???[Z?K??Y?H[]H???H
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