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: Read to know 10 bizarre facts about dance #IndiaNEWS #Feature New Delhi: Dance has existed since the dawn of human civilization, bridging the gap within the community and crossed all boundaries.


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Read to know 10 bizarre facts about dance #IndiaNEWS #Feature
New Delhi: Dance has existed since the dawn of human civilization, bridging the gap within the community and crossed all boundaries. Expressing through movement to the rhythm of music every decade and century, dance styles have transformed, reformed, and innovated to become the most powerful expressive physical art.
10 mind-boggling dance facts:
Dance in Cave Paintings: The earliest historical records show the origin of the dance in Cave Paintings in India dating back to 8,000 BCE. Even the 5300-year-old tomb paintings in Egypt pinpoint to the origin of ancient dances. As per archaeologists, dance originated between 5,000 to 9,000 years ago near modern Pakistan. Some earliest rock art forms suggested that 10,000 years ago, the Bushmen of Africa used to perform some trance-like dance to communicate with the spirit world.
The invention of the Moonwalk moves: Moonwalk makes you recall the name of late superstar Michael Jackson. He created the iconic Moonwalk moves which were different from the popular backslide dance movements. The King of Pop, first time performed this Moonwalk in his famous Billie Jean song in 1983. Jackson and his dancers used to lean at a gravity-defying 45-degree angle with their special patented shoe design.
The 126 hours of Dance: Bandana Nepal has the Guinness World Record for the longest dancing marathon, lasting 126 hours. A Nepali dancer, she participated in the dance marathon from November 23-28, 2018.
Prohibition on Waltz: In the 18th century, Waltz was considered a scandalous form of dancing which led to its banning. The reason was the closeness between the dance partners that made Waltz indecent. In European countries, the maximum dancing time was 10 minutes. Once Napolean Bonaparte won Austria in 1815, allies of European states celebrated the victory by Waltzing.
After that moment, Waltz was no more a scandalous dance. It gained popularity across the globe.
The Dancing Plague of 1518: In 1518, the town of Strasbourg (France) witnessed a dance mania that lasted a month and killed dozens of people. The reason behind continuous and uncontrolled dancing was more than just dancing spirits and energy. It is still a mystery waiting to be solved. Dancing mania caused uncontrolled movements, exhaustion, and heart attack and people did not stop until they collapsed. At least 400-500 people joined together for the dance to death.
Stick Dance or the Dance of Slaves: Stick dance was developed by African-Americans on American plantations during the slavery era. Stick dance was a type of military drill where the stick was used in dance as a disguised weapon. The dance was a practice session to fight against the plantation owners.

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