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: Want Your Child to Read? Bookstore Owner Knows Exactly How to Turn Kids into Readers #IndiaNEWS #Books The right book for the right person is not enough. It needs to be the right book, for the right


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Want Your Child to Read? Bookstore Owner Knows Exactly How to Turn Kids into Readers #IndiaNEWS #Books
The right book for the right person is not enough. It needs to be the right book, for the right person at the right time. ??? Johnny Uzan
This quote seems very apt for what Amit Sarin (39), the co-founder of Kool Skool, an independent bookstore in Gurugram, has been doing for over a decade now.
Always at his bookstore, engaging with customers and finding out their interests, he helps them discover books that they would enjoy; he has an excellent track record of recommendations. Amit is indeed a ‘book whisperer’!!
“I work with the belief that every person is a reader???
A little reader at Kool Skool.
Amit’s philosophy is that everyone is a reader and there are no non-readers. If someone is a non-reader, it just means that he/she has not found the right book as yet. “Some readers are trickier than the others and therefore it might take one longer to find out what really gets them excited, but I work with the belief that every person is a reader,??? says Amit. He also says that it is easier to help a child become a reader rather than work with an adult (but it is possible).
“Figuring out whether a child enjoys fiction or non-fiction is the key. A family walked into the store and mentioned that their son was not reading and they wanted me to pick popular titles out for him. They were looking at Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, etc. ,??? he says. A conversation ensued between Amit and the boy and the former soon understood that the child was interested in non-fiction he liked reading about people, facts, opinions.
“It was just a matter of finding his genre and explaining to the parents that not all children enjoy fiction – but that does not mean they are any less of a reader,??? says Amit.
“There is no straightjacket approach to recommending bookp???]??]?[??XY[??H?????YY][??H]]???[Z][????]H?X??[Y[???H?????]H??X[H?XY?H?^?]??HX?H??X??[Y[?H???????Y[?KH?YY??]?H?XY][?[??8?'H[H?[???Y?HH?XY[H?????H??[??H?[?XYH???[?XZ?H^HZ[? ???]??]?????]????[???H?????XZ???YKH[H[?X?H??X??[Y[?][??Y??H?Y??Z[????H????[??][??8??H^Z[????XZ?[??X??][H[??]?[??X??[Y[?][???]?H?]???YH?[?KH?^?8?'H?[?][]?[??[X[???H[?H??^[?][??H?H?HH[??[?[?]???[?X??[Y[?][??]]??[?H?[Z?K?8????][???H??H[?[????][Z]??[?H?^?]??[??H?[HH?[??XY? ?? ???????Y??H?[X?[???H????]H?[??Y?[H?X??[Y[? ?

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