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: PhD Student Transforms Balcony at Kerala Uni into Stunning, ‘Healing’ Vertical Garden #IndiaNEWS #Natural Farming There’s a special green space on the first floor balcony of the botany department


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #Natural

PhD Student Transforms Balcony at Kerala Uni into Stunning, ‘Healing’ Vertical Garden #IndiaNEWS #Natural Farming
There’s a special green space on the first floor balcony of the botany department at Kerala University’s Kariavattom campus.
Strong sunlight filters through, lively foliage grows out of earthen pots, a small waterfall bubbles in the background, wind chimes tinkle in the wind, and pebbles layer the floor. Located near the library, the Viridescent Haven is a quiet space for visitors to relax and rejuvenate, replete with stools and chairs for students to lounge on.
It was set up by fourth-year PhD student Reshma PR, whose dissertation revolves around indoor air purifying plants with the working title ‘Checking the Efficacy of Plants in Removing Common Indoor Pollutantp?&K??H?????XZ[?H?H[????][???X[ZYK????Y?^?[Y[???H???[?]??Z[?[???Z??Y?Z[??[???[?[[Z[?]H??X[ZYH???[????[?[???????HZ[??]??[??[????X???H?^?8?'[??]?Y[??Y???X??[??ZX??[X[??Z[????[?[???Z?[YH[????8??Y???XK??H[??X????H??X[ZYH[?[??X?H?Y?[??Y?Z[??HZ?????XH?Z[?[?????[?[??H?ZY[??H???[?H??Z?H?????]H?Y[????[?K???H??X??[????[??YH?[???[X]X??^??^H??Y?H?YH?[?[?[?[X[?[?]X?]??][??]??[Z??KH??[????[Z??H?????Y?][?[?[???X???[?[?X?[??[???K??H??X?[??[???]??[??[H]?Z[X?K[???Z??Y?Z[??[??[??Y[???[??]?Y?XK?Y?[K[ZY??????K[?X??H?[X????H??H???[???Z??Y?Z[?????Y???Y?H?T?H?YH]??XH?Y???Y?H?X?H[???????H[?]???]x?&?8?&?Y[?????? 8?&H?X?YX[??]H??[???[[Y[???Y?H?[?Y?YX?H[?X??Y??Y[?K???']?XZ[????[??][??[???]???]?H[[Y[??]?HH?X?]H??YX?H[???Z??][??8???^???XK??YY????] ???[??H??x?&??Y?[???Y?HH??Z[???[??[???X[??Z?[??????X]???]H?Z[? [?[???????[????[??][???[??[??H???[H[?]???]???Y??[?]?[??]?H?Y[???XH??[???????H??XB?X[[??[??Z?]?[?][????XH??X??H

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