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: Bad dreams in older adults could signal onset of Parkinsons: Study #IndiaNEWS #Feature Older adults who start to experience bad dreams or nightmares could be exhibiting the earliest signs of Parkinsons


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #Feature

Bad dreams in older adults could signal onset of Parkinsons: Study #IndiaNEWS #Feature
Older adults who start to experience bad dreams or nightmares could be exhibiting the earliest signs of Parkinsons disease, according to a study.
The study, published in eClinicalMedicine, showed that in a cohort of older men, individuals experiencing frequent bad dreams were twice as likely to be later diagnosed with Parkinsons as those who did not.
Previous studies have shown that people with Parkinsons disease experience nightmares and bad dreams more frequently than adults in the general population, but using nightmares as a risk indicator for Parkinsons has not previously been considered.
Although it can be really beneficial to diagnose Parkinsons disease early, there are very few risk indicators and many of these require expensive hospital tests or are very common and non-specific, such as diabetes, said lead author Dr. Abidemi Otaiku from the University of Birmingham, UK.
While we need to carry out further research in this area, identifying the significance of bad dreams and nightmares could indicate that individuals who experience changes to their dreams in older age ??H?]?][?H??[???Y???;??6??V?B6VV??VF?6?Gf?6R??F??RFFVB??F?RFV?W6VBFFg&???&vR6???'B7GVG?g&??F?RU2?v??6?6??F??VBFF?fW"W&??B?b"?V'2g&??2Ã???FW"?V??f??r??FWV?FV?F??'F?6??G2&W?'F??r&BG&V?2B?V7B??6RW"vVV?vW&Rf????vVBWBF?RV?B?bF?R7GVG?F?6VRv?WF?W"F?W?vW&R??&R??V?F?&RF?v??6VBv?F?&???6??2F?6V6R??GW&??rF?Rf????r?WW&??B??66W2?b&???6??2vW&RF?v??6VB???7B?bF?RF?v??6W2?V?VB??F?Rf?'7Bf?fR?V'2?bF?R7GVG??'F?6??G2v?F?g&WVV?B&BG&V?2GW&??rF??2W&??BvW&R??&RF??F?&VRF??W22??V?F?v???F?FWfV??&???6??2??F?R&W7V?G27VvvW7BF?B??FW"GV?G2v??v?????RF?&RF?v??6VBv?F?&???6??2&R??V?F?&Vv??W?W&?V?6??r&BG&V?2?B??v?F?&W2fWr?V'2&Vf?&RFWfV????rF?R6?&7FW&?7F?2fVGW&W2?b&???6??2???6?VF??rG&V??'2?7F?ff?W72?B6??v?W72?b??fV?V?B??F?R7GVG??6?6??w2F?B?W"G&V?26?&WfV????'F?B??f?&?F???&?WB?W"'&??7G'V7GW&R?BgV?7F????B??&?fRF?&R????'F?BF&vWBf?"?WW&?66?V?6R&W6V&6???F?R&W6V&6?W'2??F?W6RV?V7G&?V?6W???w&???TTr?F?????BF?R&????v?6?&V6??2f?"G&V?6??vW2?F?W?v????6?????B&W?6F??rF?Rf??F??w2???&vW"?B??&RF?fW'6R6???'G2?BW???&R?76?&?R???2&WGvVV?G&V?2?B?F?W"?WW&?FVvV?W&F?fRF?6V6W27V6?2??V??W'2?

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