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: Raising Marriage Age Isn’t Enough: IAS Officers, Civic Heroes Show What Needs to Be Done #IndiaNEWS #Civil Servants A recent development that has sparked much debate is the Union Cabinet’s decision


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #Civil

Raising Marriage Age Isn’t Enough: IAS Officers, Civic Heroes Show What Needs to Be Done #IndiaNEWS #Civil Servants
A recent development that has sparked much debate is the Union Cabinet’s decision to clear a proposal raising the minimum age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years.
(Image above of IAS officer T Bhoobalan on the left and Thianal village on the right)
Prima facie, this decision feels like a step in the right direction, but experts have deemed that it only addresses the symptoms rather than the underlying causes of why young girls and women are married off at such an early age. They argue that there are a host of factors that contribute to the incidence of early and forced marriages from deep-rooted gender equality, financial insecurity, regressive social norms to lack of quality education and employment opportunities.
In a recent statement issued by the Population Foundation of India, a non-profit, they said:
Increasing the legal age at marriage without a shift in communitiep?&H??[????[?H?X?X?H?[?]?H?]??[?Y?]]?H???]Y[???[??X?[??HY?[Y?H?[YX[?H??H?[X???X??YY?????[?HY[YY[??Y?K?X?H][??H]Y?[?X????[?HY?[]H?Z?X??XY???]H]??X[?][??Z[?[][HY?H[??[Z[?[?[???^X[[??????H?]HZ[???[X??XY???H??H?]?[[?[?H??[??K?][[???KY??????Y[?
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