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: Video & Audio Ads together result in a 2.2x increase in brand awareness: Arjun Kolady, Spotify #IndiaNEWS #Indian Social Media On the sidelines of the recently concluded Spotify Love Audio 2021, we


Posted in: #IndiaNEWS #Indian

Video & Audio Ads together result in a 2.2x increase in brand awareness: Arjun Kolady, Spotify #IndiaNEWS #Indian Social Media
On the sidelines of the recently concluded Spotify Love Audio 2021, we caught up with Arjun Kolady to get a deeper understanding of audio storytelling and how it helps brands in enhancing the consumer experience.

Sharing some interesting insights that reaffirm why the Power of Audio for advertisers and marketers, Arjun Kolady, Head of Sales India, Spotify sheds light on the trends shaping audio storytelling.

Audio Storytelling For FMCG Brands

FMCG brands surround us in our everyday lives. They are an essential part of what we consume and how we behave. Kolady says, “Just like them, Spotify is with our listeners throughout the day. We understand moods, moments, mindsets, have sharp targeting, and advanced creative and measurement capabilities so the possibilities are endlesp??????]Y[??[?????[??X????X?H[??Y[?[??[??H]?]Y?[???[YK??YX[??H?H?X[?YY??????[??][[???H?[?[???[YY[?Y?K[???[??][???????'?][H??^[?[??Y?]?H?[???YH???[????]?]???[?[??Y?H?]???[???[??^?]]?[??&]?Y[????X?H?Y??K??]?[??H[???H??[??[?[????]????H?? [??^H??Y[???[?Y[????[???[??H?[?[???[??YX?][?[ [?[???[??[?]X[YX??H?]Z???]???[Y?8??H??????????^[K[??P????[?]?[?????][???[??XX???[??H??][???XYH??H^H?]H?Y[ Y???Y??Y?K?^H?[?[????[??H????[????Y?????^H?[?[?]?]H??[???????] ?^H?[?[?]H?Y???Y [?[?[???H?????????[????[??Z[???]H????H??H?]H?????[??^K??????[?[K?[???[?[??[???]XY????[??]?HH^?][????[?]H?^H?]??[??Y?[?Z?HXZ?[??Z??Y[???[?[???[???????]?????YH?]?]H]Y[?]??H??Y[???[???[???X]]?X? ?]Y[?[?T?T?[?[???[???^??[??Y?H?]Z???]???[Y?????Y?K?????[???XY?
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