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: Covid-19: Railways to gradually restart operations from May 12, online booking to open tomorrow #IndiaNEWS 9.20 pm: Here are the day’s top updates.9.05 pm: The number of cases in Madhya Pradesh rises


Posted in: #COVID #COVID19 #IndiaNEWS

Covid-19: Railways to gradually restart operations from May 12, online booking to open tomorrow #IndiaNEWS
9.20 pm: Here are the day’s top updates.9.05 pm: The number of cases in Madhya Pradesh rises to 3,614. The toll stands at 215.The number of #COVID19 cases reaches 3614 in Madhya Pradesh, with 157 new cases reported today. Out of the total cases, 1676 patients have recovered while 215 others succumbed to the infection: Madhya Pradesh Health Department— ANI (@ANI) May 10, 2020 8.39 pm: The Indian Railways will gradually restart passenger train operations from May 12, the Centre says. Initially, 15 pairs of special trains will connect New Delhi with major stations across India. Online booking will begin at 4 pm on May 11, Union minister Piyush Goyal announces.Railways plans to gradually restart passenger train operations from 12th May, 2020, initially with 15 pairs of special trains connecting New Delhi with major stations across India. Booking in these trains will start at 4 pm on 11th May.— Piyush Goyal (@PiyushGoyal) May 10, 2020 8.20 pm: The total number of cases in Gujarat rises to 8,195 as 398 new cases were reported on Sunday, ANI reports. The toll stands at 493.In the last 24 hours, 398 new cases of #COVID 19 have been reported in Gujarat. The total number of cases stands at 8195 now, including 2545 cured/discharged cases and 493 deaths: Gujarat Health...Read more

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