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: For 4 Years, Chennai Woman Ensured That The Poor Dont Go To Bed Hungry #IndiaNEWS #Inspirational Shell India brings to us the inspiring story of Dr Issa, whose grit and determination is testament


Posted in: #GreatThingsHappenWhenWeMove #IndiaNEWS #Inspirational

For 4 Years, Chennai Woman Ensured That The Poor Dont Go To Bed Hungry #IndiaNEWS #Inspirational
Shell India brings to us the inspiring story of Dr Issa, whose grit and determination is testament to the fact that #GreatThingsHappenWhenWeMove . Article sponsored by Shell.

Changemakers are not born extraordinary, they choose to do things that have an extraordinary impact and Chennai-based orthodontist Dr Issa Fathima Jasmine is the epitome of one such changemaker.
Dr Issa calls herself fortunate to have been brought up by parents who strongly believed in the power of selfless public service. She recalls her father organizing annual donation initiatives for the poor and going to all lengths to help those in need. Instances such as this, shaped and inspired her to start a non-profit social organization called The Public Foundation in 2017.
“The Public Foundation was born out of a strong drive to help those in need. This includes a community fridge initiative called AyyamittuUnn, which translates into sharing the food with the needy, which came into being when I realized the amount of food wasted every day. This is a one-stop platform where people can come and donate leftover food, books, clothes, toys or their once-loved items that can help others in need of them,??? says Dr Issa, whl?&???[???X?????^[?YX????ZY??[???[??[??ZH[???[??[??[?K??[?Y][???][?[?XX??[??H?H??[][?]H??Y?H?]H?X?]H?
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