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: Worlds Largest Handmade Drawings Discovered In Thar; Surpass Perus Nazca Enigma #IndiaNEWS #History In the 1930s, pilots flying commercial planes over the Peruvian coastal plain noticed and brought


Posted in: #History #IndiaNEWS

Worlds Largest Handmade Drawings Discovered In Thar; Surpass Perus Nazca Enigma #IndiaNEWS #History
In the 1930s, pilots flying commercial planes over the Peruvian coastal plain noticed and brought attention to a strange pattern of lines etched into the ground. These were depictions of various plants, animals and shapes drawn with over 800 straight lines, some as long as 48 km. These included depictions of spiders, hummingbirds, cacti, monkeys, whales, llamas, ducks, flowers, trees, lizards and dogs.
These came to be known as the now famous Nazca Lines, which are geoglyphp?%?Y???[?Y????X?Y?H??[??H[?[?????[??[????X???H[???x?%]?H?? ? YX??? ?X]Y??Y]??H?]?Y[?
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